Spoken translations for all languages

We provide the service of spoken translations, regardless of whether you need simultaneous translations, consecutive translations or translations with the presence of a court interpreter.

Spoken translations for all languages

Spoken translation is needed in many situations, whenever there is real-time live communication between you and the foreign language speaker. Whether it is official, business or private communication, Alfa translation agency is here to help.

Spoken translation is a service that encompasses three kinds of translations:

  • Simultaneous: the translator translates at the same time as the speaker is talking to you in a foreign language
  • Consecutive: the translator begins translating for you when the speaker or conversation partner stop speaking
  • Spoken translations with the presence of a court interpreter: if you are communicating with state institutions, then this type of translation is required.

No matter what kind of spoken translation you need, you can call us and be sure you will have the highest quality translation at affordable prices.

When do you need spoken translation

Spoken translation is most commonly needed in situations such as:

  • Marrying a foreign citizen
  • In a meeting at one of the embassies
  • Conversations with business partners
  • Presence at negotiations or meetings
  • Presence at conferences
  • Participating in a court process

No matter what language or purpose you need translation for, our translators are at your service. They place their vast experience and knowledge at your disposal, so you can rest assured that your translations will be swift and accurate.

What is the price of spoken translation

The price of spoken translation can vary based on several factors:

  • What type of spoken translation is required
  • How long do you need the translator’s services for
  • What location is the translation taking place
  • What languages are being translated

You can see the price of all our services in our Price list.

Contact us and get a free price estimation for your translations

Note: Alfa translation agency guarantees the confidentiality of any information you exchange with your conversation partners when providing the service of spoken translations

Working hours:

Monday: 8:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 8:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 8:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 8:00 - 16:00
Friday: 8:00 - 16:00


We are ISO 9001:2015 certified.