What do your pets sound like in different languages?

What do your pets sound like in different languages?

If you hear a dog bark in Japan, Italy, Iceland or any other country, it will probably sound exactly the same as the dogs in Serbia who say “av”. But did you know that the words that onomatopoeically describe the sounds made by dogs and other pets are very...
How to say “Hello” in 15 different languages

How to say “Hello” in 15 different languages

There are over 6000 living languages in the world, and one of the important words in each of them is the one you would use to warmly greet someone – “Hello”. In addition to being part of a greeting, the way this word is pronounced sets the tone for...
5 hardest languages to translate

5 hardest languages to translate

When it comes to translating various texts, it’s often assumed that this type of work is equally challenging regardless of the language in question. However, this is far from the truth – it’s actually quite the opposite. Why are some languages more...