
In the blog section of our site, you can regularly find interesting and useful content for everyone who needs the services of translators or court interpreters.

Recent blog posts:

The benefits of translating content for E-commerce

The benefits of translating content for E-commerce

E-commerce is becoming an increasingly dominant way of doing business worldwide. With the growing availability of digital technologies and online stores, expanding to the global market has never been easier. However, success on an international level requires much...

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Steps for successful translation of legal documents

Steps for successful translation of legal documents

Translating legal documents is a complex process that requires precision and expertise. Legal documents contain specific terms and phrases that must be accurately translated to avoid legal discrepancies. In this text, we will consider the key steps for a successful...

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Artificial intelligence and the translation industry

Artificial intelligence and the translation industry

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized many industries, including the translation field. This transformation has brought numerous advantages for translators, but it has also introduced some drawbacks that require careful consideration to understand the limitations...

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What is needed for a marriage with a foreign citizen

What is needed for a marriage with a foreign citizen

You've found the love of your life, and they are a foreign citizen? Congratulations ! However, if you wish to get married, be aware that the culmination of your love requires obtaining several documents, translating them, and having them certified by a...

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7 mistakes to avoid when selecting your translation agency

7 mistakes to avoid when selecting your translation agency

Hiring a translation agency is a necessary steps in many personal and professional endeavors where high-quality translation is crucial for successful communication. However, there are a number of common mistakes one must keep in mind when selecting their translation...

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What do your pets sound like in different languages?

What do your pets sound like in different languages?

If you hear a dog bark in Japan, Italy, Iceland or any other country, it will probably sound exactly the same as the dogs in Serbia who say "av". But did you know that the words that onomatopoeically describe the sounds made by dogs and other pets are very different...

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How to say “Hello” in 15 different languages

How to say “Hello” in 15 different languages

There are over 6000 living languages in the world, and one of the important words in each of them is the one you would use to warmly greet someone - "Hello". In addition to being part of a greeting, the way this word is pronounced sets the tone for further...

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5 hardest languages to translate

5 hardest languages to translate

When it comes to translating various texts, it's often assumed that this type of work is equally challenging regardless of the language in question. However, this is far from the truth - it's actually quite the opposite. Why are some languages more difficult to...

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Why you should know at least one foreign language

Why you should know at least one foreign language

The benefits and importance of learning a foreign language is something that people oversee surprisingly often. You can learn a new language at any stage of your life and it’s never too late to ensure the benefits that come with knowing a foreign language. Your brain...

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Why we don’t recommend to pay for your translations per word

Why we don’t recommend to pay for your translations per word

When translating web pages, the price is usually determined on a per-word basis. This way the client is presented with a seemingly low price that sometimes sounds incredibly tempting. Actually, these kinds of cost-assessments don't present the full picture and as time...

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The best WordPress additions for multilingual websites

The best WordPress additions for multilingual websites

Millions of websites around the world use WordPress. However, this platform doesn't come with a built-in feature allowing you to create multilingual websites, which is why add-ins or plugins must be used in order to make it possible. This article will present several...

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Myths and misconceptions about Google Translate

Myths and misconceptions about Google Translate

You are probably already familiar with all the benefits of having a multi-lingual website. Properly translated web pages build trust with their audience, present an accurate image of what you offer and make future conversion easier. This is precisely why you might...

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4 important pieces of advice for website translation

4 important pieces of advice for website translation

Translating company websites into English is no easy feat, but it allows you to address a broader audience and perform successfully in international market. However, translation accuracy is essential for success and special care must also be taken to make sure that...

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The skills that can help your career as a translator

The skills that can help your career as a translator

What skills and knowledge do professional translators need to have a successful career? Is it enough to just know the language or are there other skills that can benefit this profession? Of course, their translating skills are the foundation and perquisite to any...

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Translating video games in the gaming industry

Translating video games in the gaming industry

Have you made a video game and would now like to launch it in international markets? This is the most logical course of action if you'd like to monetize your efforts in the best possible way. However, in order for this project to be successful, you need to have your...

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Monday: 8:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 8:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 8:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 8:00 - 16:00
Friday: 8:00 - 16:00


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